How Do YOU Defend Donald Trump?

How do you defend Donald Trump? I’m talking to you, Trump supporter. Potential Trump voter. How do you defend him?You must defend him, right? When you’re gathered around the water cooler at work and someone mentions a fact about Trump, you defend him, don’t you? And when a Facebook friend posts some disparaging words about your choice for president, you have to respond. Maybe you don’t actually type a response, but surely you respond in your own head.How do you do it? What do you say?I’ve never been in the position of thinking that someone who brags about assaulting women, and then brushes off criticism of his comments, should be President of the United States.chi-trump13pointing-20160313I’ve never heard a person utter the words, “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” and then thought to myself, “Yeah, I want that guy to be President of the United States."So those of you who think such a man should be President, how do you defend him? How do you justify his actions, his words, his thoughts?When he implies that “the Second Amendment people” might be able to do something about Hillary Clinton’s hypothetical judicial nominations, how do you defend him?When he accuses a Mexican American judge of being biased against him because he has proposed to build a wall along the border with Mexico, how do you defend him?When he refuses to disavow support from a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, how do you defend him?When he asks attendees at one of his rallies to “knock the crap” out of other attendees, how do you defend him?When he says, “When people call you brilliant, it’s always good, especially when the person heads up Russia,” how do you defend him?When he calls for banning members of an entire religion—well over one billion completely innocent people—from entering the United States, how do you defend him?When he imitates a disabled reporter by jerking his arms around in front of his body and saying, “Now this poor guy, you ought to see this guy,” how do you defend him?When he calls undocumented immigrants rapists, how do you defend him?When he continues to perpetuate a lie that the current president wasn’t born in the United States, years after official documentation proved otherwise, and then admits that he was born in the United States, but then blames the lie on someone else, how do you defend him?This is the man you want to be president. There are 320 million people in this country, and he is your choice.So how do you defend him?You don’t. You can’t. He’s indefensible. His words are indefensible. His ideas are indefensible. He’s a living, breathing, walking, talking example of what is wrong with this country. He promises to Make America Great Again, while simultaneously showing us how un-great he is. His ideas and his speech are sexist, and racist, and ill-informed, and oversimplified, and show a complete inability for deep and sustained thought on any subject.He’s an entertainer. A caricature of a presidential candidate. He’s idiotic, dumb, dull, dense, shortsighted, ill-tempered, moronic, simpleminded and foolish. The world is a worse place because he is who he is.And you, Trump supporter, want to take who he is—he hasn’t been shy about this, he hasn’t denied being who he is—and elevate him to the Oval Office. This shyster, this swindler, this self-obsessed, responsibility-averse carnival barker won’t make us great again. He can’t. He’s only concerned with himself. And he’s fooling you into believing he cares about you, and me, and us.Don’t be fooled.In the future, when your children, or grandchildren, or great-grandchildren ask you whom you voted for in 2016, do you want to say Donald Trump? And when they ask you why you voted for him, what will you say? And after your explanation, when they say, “Even though he…?”Because by then you won’t have to defend him.You’ll have to defend yourself, and why you thought he would make a good president.Good luck.Enter your e-mail address below and we'll send new Dry it in the Water posts directly to your inbox!

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