This Blog is Coming After You

After 139 posts on Dry it in the Water, I am out of ideas. It took me decades just to come up with that many topics to write about, so I don’t have much faith that I’ll be able to continue on my own for much longer.Part of the reason I wrote this blog is so that I can interact with readers, critics and everyday people. Some of those interactions have been useful, and some have veered toward idiotic, such as the wordsmith who left a one-word comment—“Bitch”—on my post about Taylor Swift’s new album.Recently I’ve tried to think of innovative new things to do with this blog. Sometimes I write things just to make people laugh. Sometimes I write to make them think. And sometimes I write just because I have some time to kill. But what would happen if I stopped doing all of the hard work and left that to you wonderful people, the readers?I’ve thought about this for a few weeks, and I think that I’ve figured out a way to pull it off. It’s going to take a lot of cooperation and effort on your part, but with my persistence and your ideas I think we can make this a success. It’s a little different than the way any other blog is written, and it might seem unusual at first, but stay with me here.Let me explain what I have in mind: The first blog written in person by readers. I’ve done enough. Now it’s up to you. But since I know how difficult it is to have the discipline to sit down and write something, I’m not leaving this to chance. Especially since I plan on taking the credit for whatever you write.UntitledFrom now on, after someone comments on a post, I’ll meet that person at their home or place of employment, and we’ll hammer out the next post together. The topic of that post will be whatever the reader wants it to be. So be prepared, we could have a wide variety of writing coming from Dry it in the Water.One day maybe a reader will want to write about watermelons, and then the next day a different reader will write about parking tickets, and then the next day some crazy reader might write about the maddening fallacy of bed sheet thread counts. It literally could be about anything. Imagine if one day you get a post all about how Democrats are brain dead, and then the next day you get a post about Republican idiocy. The possibilities are endless!Our blog—and I do mean our blog, it’s not my blog anymore (although, just a reminder, I will still be taking credit for all of the writing)—is going to really change the way blogging is done. Gone are the days where readers are somewhat anonymous beings hidden behind a computer screen. Instead, writers and readers will come face-to-face. I wonder if the person who left the “Bitch” comment on my blog would do such a thing if she knew that I’d show up at her doorstep the next day, coaching/coercing/educating/tutoring her into creating a blog post of her own.Life’s too short for me to do this blog by myself, and I’m tired of the virtual wall between you and me. To paraphrase Little Ronnie Reagan, it’s time to tear down this wall. And when the wall is gone, the fun begins. Just ask the East Germans if you don’t believe me.So Dry It in the Water begins a new chapter. You better tidy your home, because I might appear on your doorstep with a pad of paper and a pencil, and tell you to write. But before that happens, let me give you your first assignment. You can begin by writing down the first letter of each paragraph of this post.PREVIOUS POST: Do You Know Where Your Dog's Tongue Has Been?IF YOU LIKED THIS POST I BET YOU'LL ALSO LIKE: Little White Lies Can be Dangerous+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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