In case you haven’t seen the story by now, let me recap.Britt McHenry is a sports reporter who works for ESPN and used to work on San Diego Padres broadcasts. She’s attractive in that Fox News white lady/ blonde hair way: quite an eye catcher at first, but look at her for a few seconds and you realize that you’ll probably see people who look more attractive and unique at a bar in your town.She’s like chocolate cake. You’ll be excited when you first see her, but then you soon realize she’s not that great.Anyway, this isn’t a blog post to bash Britt McHenry or her looks. And I still haven’t explained why you should know who she is, if you don’t already.Okay, so she’s on television, she’s “famous” and “attractive.” She also has a bit of a temper, which is why her name’s in the news. Apparently she ran into some trouble that resulted in her going to a tow truck company to pickup her car. While there, she said some very insulting things to the employee behind the counter.Things like: “So I could be a college dropout and do (your job)?”“I’m on television and you’re in a fucking trailer, honey.”“Lose some weight, baby girl.”She also threatened to sue the place, but I once threatened to sue a McDonald’s manager because she gave me a Diet Coke completely devoid of carbonation, so let’s not be judgmental.I just made that up. I didn’t really threaten to sue. I did throw it back through the drive-thru window though. “Fire in the hole!”I’m lying.I really never have threatened to sue anyone though. And I want to laugh at people who threaten to sue…right before I punch them in the face. “I’ll sue you,” is just one step above “Do you know who I am?” on the laughability scale.I’m off-topic here though, so back to Britt McHenry.ESPN has suspended her, which I guess shouldn’t be a surprise. They’ve got an image to worry about, and the last thing they need is to do nothing when one of their employees turns out to be a jerk who likes to insult people.An article on the CNN website argued that we might be just as bad as Britt for ganging up on her. A popular blogger argued that we should back off of her because she obviously has no self-esteem.I understand their arguments, but I just disagree. My vote goes to drawing and quartering Britt.If you don’t know what drawing and quartering is—and you have an iron stomach—you can see how it’s depicted in the classic horror documentary, Faces of Death IV, here.If you don’t have an iron stomach, I’ll just tell you that drawing and quartering refers to a Middle Ages ritual in which a person is dragged (drawn) by horse to the town square, and then each of their four limbs is tied to four different horses, and then the horses gallop in opposite directions (quartering). And you can guess what the end result is.All right, you got me. I don’t really think that Britt deserves to be drawn and quartered. I’ve wanted to use a Faces of Death reference since I started this blog, and it just seemed to fit here.But really, let’s not let Britt off the hook either. You can’t just denigrate, insult, mock, and completely disrespect another human being for no reason and expect there not to be consequences. You act like a despicable jerk and you deserve some sort of repercussion for that.I don’t think ESPN should have suspended her. Or at least I don’t think that should be her punishment for her actions.This is her punishment. Not this post, but the whole world’s reaction to the video. She’s had a rough day, and she’ll probably have a rough weekend. People will mock her, talk bad about her, and generally think she’s a slimeball.But three weeks from now we’ll see her back on television and we’ll forget all about that video and go back to thinking she’s like chocolate cake.However, the woman she personally insulted for just doing her job will still have that job. And she’ll have to deal with another Britt McHenry because no one’s happy about having their car towed, and some of those people are going to be assholes.Hopefully that angry person isn’t going to say such personally offensive things, and if they do, I hope they feel bad about it for a few days.We can eliminate the drawing and quartering though.PREVIOUS POST: When Not to TextIF YOU LIKED THIS POST I BET YOU'LL ALSO LIKE: A Man's Miss America Recap+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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