Megyn Kelly left Fox News—that den of “Fair and Balanced” reporting that has recently pushed disproven stories such as the Seth Rich murder conspiracy, and the idea that Barack Obama wiretapped Donald Trump’s office—for greener pastures at NBC.Unfortunately, Ms. Kelly’s move does not seem to have given her the ability to distill fact from fiction—a quality entirely lacking at Fox News.She is gaining a lot of exposure over the past few days because she has conducted an interview with Alex Jones, which will air on Father’s Day, Sunday night. Many groups are asking NBC not to air the interview.I support Ms. Kelly’s interview, as long as she provides context. To present Alex Jones as a journalist or an expert simply because the incompetent, idiotic, imbecilic Neanderthal now serving as our president showed an unsurprising lack of good judgment and appeared on his show, is to ignore the damage that Jones and his website,, have inflicted on this country and its citizens.If NBC and Kelly want to air this interview, then I propose that at the beginning and end of every single segment they provide the following disclaimer:Alex Jones is a liar whose thoughts are not based on reality. He is a showman, a snake oil salesman, and a man not worthy of trust.He is the founder of Mr. Jones and his website have a long history of promoting discredited conspiracy theories, and presenting as fact claims that are demonstrably false.Alex Jones asserts that the federal government carried out the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.Jones has pushed the theory that the American government helped perpetrate 9/11.Jones has claimed that the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shootings were staged.Jones asserts that the Boston Marathon bombings were a false flag operation, carried out by the U.S. government as an excuse “sell the police state.”Jones has claimed that the BP oil spill was a false flag.Jones helped push Pizzagate, a discredited theory that American politicians are involved in a pedophile ring.Jones has claimed that the U.S. government is building FEMA camps around the country in which it plans to imprison U.S. citizens.Jones has pushed a theory that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have a persistent smell of sulfur around them, and that this suggests they are demons.Jones has said that the reason there are “so many gay people” is a result of a government-run chemical warfare operation intended to prevent people from having children.Jones has suggested that vaccines are part of a plot to see how many people “they” can kill.Jones believes that contrails in the sky from airplanes are part of a worldwide conspiracy to poison the general population.Alex Jones said this about the shootings at Sandy Hook, in which 20 children were murdered: “The whole thing is a giant hoax…. The general public doesn’t know the school was actually closed the year before.” He has claimed the shootings involved actors, and said, “I don’t know if kids really got killed,” at Sandy Hook.During a recent custody trial, Alex Jones’s personal lawyer argued that Jones is a “performance artist,” and is “playing a character.”Alex Jones tells lies and wants people to believe they are true. Thousands of U.S. citizens believe what he says. He is a danger to his followers.If we are to believe his lawyer, Jones doesn’t believe his own lies. He’s a performance artist.However, regardless of whether he believes the things that he says, many people do believe what he says. And it is reckless of NBC News to provide a platform to him without ensuring that every single viewer understands how outlandish his claims are, and the fact that his own attorney argued that he shouldn’t be taken seriously.America will be much better if everyone realizes that we should not believe one single word written or spoken by Mr. Jones.Wasn't that well-written and fun to read? You should subscribe to my blog and we'll send you an e-mail every time I write a new one. Type your email address in the box and click the "create subscription" button. My list is completely spam free, and you can opt out at any time.
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