Every year in school some teacher tries to encourage us to ask questions by saying “The only stupid question is the one that isn’t asked.” Yeah, well the only stupid sayings are the ones that teachers repeat over and over again.But in the spirit of asking questions, let me lay one on you. Why are parents so dumb?I mean really, if they’re adults and they have all this wisdom, then what makes them so dumb? Do they just get so old at some point that their brains stop working? Why can’t they figure out the easiest things?Things that should be obvious aren’t.Like, first of all, leave me alone. I don’t want to spend time with you for no reason. If you’re buying me something, or taking me somewhere then I’ll spend time with you. Otherwise, I’ve got things to do.And quit it with the “life lessons.” If I have to hear them say, “You’re too young to understand,” one more time, I’m going to scream. It’s not that I’m too young to understand. It’s that they’re too damn dumb to know that what they’re saying doesn’t make sense.They need to stop trying to act like life is so complicated that there’s just no way I could ever understand it without their guidance. I know how things work. And they can continue to claim that “It’s not that easy,” but I know the only reason it’s not that easy is because dumb parents make it so it’s not that easy.“You’ll thank us for doing this someday.” That’s just parental-speak for, “We’re going to do something really shitty to you, and it’s going to make you mad, but we’re geniuses and we know what’s good for you.”Uh, hello! They aren’t geniuses. They might think they have all this “wisdom” but the world’s different now. This isn’t the olden days like when they were kids. They don’t know what it’s like to be a kid. It’s difficult, and the constant nagging—“Do this, do that, don’t do this, why did you do that”—doesn’t help at all.By the way, just because they had to learn a bunch of stupid stuff in school doesn’t mean that everyone should have to learn it. Like algebra. Do you know how many careers require algebra? One. Algebra teacher. So if no one uses algebra, why the hell do I have to learn it? I’m never going to use it, so stop wasting my time.Speaking of time, they need to stop worrying about how I’m spending my time. I know they’re old and they probably don’t have much time left, but that doesn’t mean they have to constantly hover around me and concern themselves with how I spend every second of my day.I mean if I want to stay up past midnight on a school night, why shouldn’t I? I’m the one who will be tired in the morning, not them. So they need to chill. And who cares if I always have my phone with me? If I can’t hang out with my friends, I should at least be able to text them.And yes, I do have to check Facebook every fifteen minutes. Why is that their business anyway?Leave me alone about my room, too. They’re always on me, “Clean your room. Why do you have so much junk on your floor? Those clothes are clean, fold them and put them away.”Maybe they forgot the part about it being my room! It’s not their room, so they should back off. I know where everything is, and if I can’t find something, that’s my problem, not theirs.The worst thing though is the “When I was a kid” advice. I get it. They used to be young, now they’re old. But I doubt that anything they did when they were a kid has any bearing on my life. This goes back to the fact that this isn’t the olden days. They need to stop comparing their youth with my youth. Their youth is over. They lived their youth like they wanted, they should let me live mine how I want.I can’t wait until I get older, and when nothing they say makes any more sense then than it does now I’m going to yell, “I told you so!”PREVIOUS POST: What Happened When I Ate Food from a Stranger's PlateIF YOU LIKED THIS POST I BET YOU'LL ALSO LIKE: Hey Kids, Michelle Obama Didn't Make your School Lunch+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hey, did you like reading this? If so, you should Share it on Facebook so you can bring joy to others. You can also find tons of other posts by me here. And you can like my Facebook page, Brett Baker Writes. Please.
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