Well, since no one else is willing to say it, I guess I’ll go ahead and be the bad guy. It’s not going to be popular, I know, but things that are necessary sometimes aren’t. So here goes nothing.It’s time to put an end to Labor Day.I know you’re probably thinking the same thing, but in case you’re not, hear me out. It makes so much sense once you put it all together.First of all, why are we giving labor its own holiday? I mean moms already have Mother’s Day and their own birthday, so just how many damn holidays are we going to give them? And doesn’t each mom already celebrate Labor Day? In fact, my wife celebrates four Labor Days each year; what’s a child’s birthday if not an acknowledgement of labor?Can’t mothers just be happy with what they have without asking for more, more, more? They like to make a big deal about how kids always say, “Can I have…” all the while they’re pushing for another holiday.This shouldn’t be surprising though. You moms have become more demanding in recent years. Don’t believe me? I’ve got two words that end the argument in my favor right away.Push present.You want a present for pushing out a baby? Isn’t the baby a present? What kind of lesson are you teaching your precious bundle of joy by insinuating that you need to be compensated for giving birth? Must we commoditize everything?This is just part of a larger moms-as-swindlers trend that has grown in the last decade or so. It begins shortly after the wedding. The new bride has that fancy (two months pay, right?) engagement ring and wedding ring on the left hand, and to balance things out someone came up with the idea of a right hand ring.Are you crazy? I must have missed the rash of falling injuries that occurred from these poor, delicate women falling over from the extra weight on the left side of their unbalanced bodies. And, of course, the only way to fix that unbalance is to get a ring for the right hand as well. Shysters!But as usual, we gentleman give in to the demands made by our women. Since their happiness is always foremost in our thoughts, this should be no surprise.I do have one suggestion though, if we’re going to have Labor Day, then we should have a corresponding day for men. Maybe we should call it Pacing in the Waiting Room and Then Passing Out Cigars Day. That sounds fair, right?And maybe that will makeup for the gross inequity we experience between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Talk about a raw deal. Dads are supposed to pull out all the stops for Mother’s Day, and then be happy with some hamburgers and hot dogs for Father’s Day. Not to mention the fact that teachers help kids create some cute gift for their mothers, but by the time Father’s Day rolls around the kids are out of school and we miss out on the hand-drawn refrigerator magnet.One last thing, which I wasn’t going to bring up, since fashion and clothing is usually the purview of mothers, not fathers, but enough is enough. What’s with this rule that people can’t wear white after Labor Day? If my lovely bride is in a position to celebrate Labor Day, then it seems as though she should have stopped wearing white long ago according to wedding traditions.So what do you think? Are you ready to give up Labor Day? It really does seem like complete nonsense. Let’s put an end to it so we can concentrate on important holidays, like Valentine’s Day. Which reminds me, if you want to have a day celebrating labor, maybe we should change it to November, which happens to be nine months after Valentine’s Day!Wait. What’s that you say? Labor Day isn’t about giving birth? It’s about something else? Well in that case, read this.By the way, if you like what you're reading here, you should like my Facebook page, Brett Baker Writes.You should subscribe to this blog, don't you think? That way you'll never forget to come back. Forgetting is bad. So why don't you just type your email address in the box and click the "create subscription" button. I'm not going to send you a bunch of junk, and you can ditch me any time you want.